For Faculty

Pink flowers in the foreground, Cudd hall to the left in the background and Stern Hall to the right in the far background.

Summer 2025 NTC Summer School Course Proposals

NTC Summer School welcomes proposals from faculty to teach during one of NTC Summer School’s sessions (Maymester, Early Summer, Late Summer).

More information about Summer 2025 teaching opportunities and the course proposal form will be available on August 1, 2024. In the meantime, feel free to contact NTC Summer School,, with any questions. 

Newcomb-Tulane College Summer School will offer both online and in-person courses for Summer 2025.


Course Proposal Overview

•    Faculty member should review their intended course proposal with their department chair
•    Faculty member submits course using the NTC Summer School Course Proposal form (Form will be available by August 1, 2024)
•    NTC Summer School reviews the course and communicates the decision to faculty member
•    Approved courses are entered into CLSS by the department scheduler
•    First approval: Department Chair
•    Second approval: School Dean
•    Third approval: NTC Summer School


Before issuing approval, the NTC Summer School staff will take the following into consideration:

•    Student demand and student interest data
•    Historical enrollment data